Monday, January 2, 2012


My sister took these pictures and I'm forever awkward in front of a camera so she decided she would make me pose like plants.  Example: "You're a cactus!  You're a flower!" (Hence, the post title.  I know, I'm clever.)  However, these are not the pictures in which I'm posing like a plant, in case you were wondering.  I am, however, posing with a guitar, which I cannot play.  It's my sister's and I just wanted to feel like the hippie-artist-nerd that I truly am.
I should probably say that I wore this to a New Year's Day party at my Aunty's house.
It was awkward.  Because I'm awkward.  I watched children play Wii Sports and Just Dance 3.  But I'm really not creepy, I promise. 
Jacket, Shorts (yes, they're shorts), and Bag: random brands from Jeans Warehouse, Necklace: f21

 You can kind of see my failed attempt at ombre hair in the picture above.
Also, how cool are these tricky little shorts!  It looks like a skirt but then you spread your legs (like a lady, of course) they're pants!  I thought they were cool.

Peace out,

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